Exclusive & Attractive Offers & Loyalty Programs for everyone...
Choose the discount scheme that suits you the most... KHHI Offers various attractive deals to our new and regular buyers; get benefited and make the best use of these offers
Patriotic Loyalty Discount
- 10% less on knives for all in uniform and ex-servicemen (excluding shipping)
- NOT applicable to products already under SALE, Lifetime Discount or on Running Offers
- Not applicable to Custom-Design product/order.
Lifetime Member Scheme
- Pay a one-time fee of US$ 49.99 and get…
- 10% discount on each purchase
- 10% discount on shipping cost
- Gift Hampers in each purchase
- How does it work? - just contact us with the details ( name of the item, quantity, and country to be shipped) before making the purchase to apply the discount
Rules and formalities
- LTD fee is not refundable
- Member must always use the same name and email a/c that is submitted when contacting KHHI. Please inform KHHI if the email account has been changed.
- LTD scheme does not apply to products on OFFER ZONES
- Ordering/contacting KHHI through other means other than email will not be processed
Big Bang (Power) Offer:
Be more powerful on every purchase! With every purchase, your power will rise up accordingly as below. You can use the power at any level you like, write to us prior ordering so that we can send you the quote with an applied power discount. You can also accumulate your power till the end and use it when reaches P8.
The Levels:
- 1st purchase or P1 = US$ 7 free
- 2nd purchase or P2 = US$ 14 free
- 3rd purchase or P3 = US$ 24 free
- 4th purchase or P4 = US$ 36 free
- 5th purchase or P5 = US$ 50 free
- 6th purchase or P6 = US$ 66 free
- 7th purchase or P7 = US$ 85 free
- 8th purchase or P8 = US$ 107 free
- The buyer has to use the same name and email add (ID) when buying as that of the last order so that KHHI can verify the authenticity of the buyer.
- The buyer is advised to contact KHHI prior to using his POWER.
- If any kind of special offer/deal/ discount/wholesale is given to the buyer, in such condition Power is not given or the level will not go up to another level.
- If a buyer does not use Power even after reaching P8 for 2 straight years will bring the buyer to P1 in his next purchase.
Bulk Order (5 or more purchase)
- For our bulk buyers,KHHI has exclusive rates.
- 12-20% discount on the product price (excluding shipping) depending on product type and quantity.
- Email your product list in detail at sales@khhiknives.com including shipping destination, we will get back with the discounted quote.
- Cannot be taken together with products already under Sale, Lifetime discount, patriotic discount or for Accessories and Supplements and Stands; and Custom-Design product/order
Speak Out (Refer) Offer
15% commission of PRODUCT (only) OR barter system worth the commission (here another 25% would be added to the commission value) would be given by KHHI Nepal for your service; with unique Referral Code (RC)
- You have to have a PayPal account for us to pay you.
- The commission will be paid within 3-5 days from the sale date
- Only 10% commission will be paid for product/s bought from our offer zones and offers
- In refund cases to buyers (if no fault of/from KHHI) then the commission will be held or claimed back if it has been already paid
You can CHAT or Contact us to apply the desired offer before making the purchase.